Monday, August 31, 2009


Since ulduar won ze grand prize in being the most successful instance of WOTLK, I'd like to hear what you think about arena!

If you see the poll to the right, you'll vote for the bracket that every player MUST participate in, in order to achieve gear/titles. If you have any other thoughts, share in a comment on this post!

To be partial I must say they all should be mandatory, and after that calculate avg. rating for GEAR, titles will remain the same, there should only be ONE winner, not sure yet if there should be for every bracket! And aswell for BG's bring back Grand Marshal!

After some thinking, dump the brackets and only have ONE, 3 versus 3. Sure, skirmish 2v2/5v5 w/e but keeping track of three different teams is just a pain, atleast it was for me...And it will be more focus on just one thing, more queues, more opponents, more everything!

I'm coming with another edit now; What if you had a new ranking system, still 3v3, and 1-100, but like it is, 1-30 is glads, 30-50 duelists etc. They should all get their own "bracket" and fight against each other, and it should be impossible to face rank 1 team if you are on a winning streak in lowest bracket. Nr1 duelist will fight last ranked gladiator, if they win, they ascend to a new bracket, and so on! This will work way better when there will only be queueing to 3v3.

This morning...

Woke up around 8am *yawn* first thing to do is grab something to eat and log on at the same time! While in game my first reaction was "WTF" second was like "WTH", I'll explain more about that later *CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!*

Anyhow I went on for dailies like usually and of course I was doing them like a braindead maniac, can't believe I have to do them 3 more days! X( Ah well, I'd really want to get that heirloom sword aswell, so I can begin to level a rogue!

I know someone wants to level with me, pretty please...

I came to the conclusion I have way too many alts, not even half finished! My best progression would be a level 72(?) dkdk, he he. But what am I supposed to do then for 2 days? I'd love some suggestions.

Over and out,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

oh my god X(

Stream crashed (runtime error) no idea why, but it crashed on the kill! Sorry that you missed it, but Eladriel won the mount! And ofc, I won the hunter dmg as always! *wink wink*

Just took us a few TERRIBLE tries to kill him a second time. Now there will be no raiding until wednesday! ;(

Live stream sorted!

Hopefully we'll go live in about 5 hours and let me see if my connection can keep up, stay tuned.
Yogg-Saron 0 keepers live @ 8pm today!

Watch the channel here!

Wake up call!

By waking up an hour ago, I instantly log on to check how AH is doing, 1,5kish gold richer, YES! It's getting there, 10,2k earned in 3 days.. Second thing in the new routine is the daily heroic, zerged in 10 minutes.

This new routine is somehow a pain, but if you just join the groups or just do the thing you're supposed to, it isn't really that bad.

Third thing to do right now is icecrown dailies; in order to achieve crusader this is needed. X( And now I'm supposed to do the worst thing I know with WOTLK... JOUSTING!

So i'll be back in a few minutes ;)

Alright, the dailies is done time to slack until yogg+0 X) Which I might be streaming, so stick around 20.00!

Take care,

Trial of the Crusader 10man

Pheew, pugged it this week, it's really a taboo to pug on Azjol-nerub, unless you really know what you are getting in to. But we managed to hold up! Rusty leading from me since I normally don't care about other roles than mine, but we worked it out and managed to get a clear and a few +10's. I'm most surprised over Salt and Pepper, since most of the gang were either undergeared or underperforming. I forgot to screen the recount aswell, but imagine some dps below tanks and the 2nd 2k dps below me... Something like that ;) Planestalker Signet dropped, which is quite an upgrade and I won it by rolling 3.

Afterwards I rolled os10 3d, which I actually haven't killed.. Everything went well and he got two-shotted, a guy said on beforehand he was willing to pay 5000g for the mount, sick.. The leader won the roll and actually DECLINED 8000g that was offered, as far as I know the mount is ugly, no achievement and a terrible e-peen.

I, here, had aswell a few k's more dps than the others, which I'm used to due to being this overgeared.. But wth, I enjoy these +10's and a fancy title aswell!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Todays doings... LF PVP

So first thing I see when I log on, is my mail, thousands of expired items from AH, but no worries! I just got undercutted on those : )

I'd like to thank for the inspiration to get the gold rolling, I did already know everything he's bringing up, but a guy doing tons of good work on something that's free for all, the fact that I'm not paying $30 to see screenshots/videos of someone having tons of gold, is indeed, inspiring! :-*

Ah well, It's just preperation for new content that's coming, with ulduar I lost 10k+ gold just by being lazy :(

I am now interested in season 7 in order to achieve arena master, and wonder if someone out there would like to join me? :)
It's more on a casual level but I expect quality thou!

Keep in touch,

Friday, August 28, 2009

Best things I know with engineering!

This profession is a pain, some claimed that it's not good enough for PvE, but what the heck, it's their loss!

Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket: Best glove enchant available, suck on that!

Parachute(Cloak enchant): best cloak enchant is +22 agi, this one is +23... suckers ;)

Nitro Boosts: Rocket boots are just awesome, whatever you're doing! Running from Dalaran AH to BANK = win, any PvE situation such as doing tentacles on yogg-saron sprint and win!

Dalaran AH: Best thing I know so far, never actually have to teleport anywhere else!

Wormhole: It takes you right outside ulduar, AND coliseum! Only disadvantage is the cooldown, 4 hours, and don't try teleport "underground" ... not funny.

Jeeves: Forgot something in your bank? bags full when out farming? BANK IT/VENDOR IT!

Saronite Arrow Maker: Hunters best friend, make your own arrows... OH MY GOOOOOD!

That's just a few things with engineering that j'adore!

The infamous underground!


Oh yeees, I'm trying to get some gold together without doing painful dailies which I need to do in order to become a crusader, but I don't feel like it! Gold is just really fun to have, you can spend it whenever and on whatever you want, or it's a stock up for repairs/flasks/enchants and such. But I'm just really gathering for further content, so I won't have any trouble at all.

So.. How can you earn gold without doing anything in particular? I don't really know, auction house isn't really my game, but well trying it out now lately with selling all leftovers I've had such as enchanting mats, gems, bars, leather... These things have been gathered throughout WOTLK and nothing I've grinded on a daily basis, I'm too lazy!

I'm aswell vendoring banked items, which I doubt I'll use at all.

so far 2000 gold richer in less than an hour!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Invites begin in 5 minutes...

Yesterday we actually managed to clear entire Trial of the Crusader in about 20 minutes or less, afterwards we headed for ulduar which is from tuesday CLEARED! That means no more progress, but we'll probably keep doing alone in the darkness for the mount, which I'm not really so interested in. I am an engineer so it would actually suit me more than well.

Everything but Yogg-Saron, Iron Council, General Vesax and Algalon died yesterday aswell. We'll see what's happening today and hopefully it's a clear so we can relax after the weekend, maybe do a few dailies, get to level up a rogue or so!

I'll be updating with pictures from todays raid frequently in this post, just for the lols.

oh darn gotta go buy myself some flasks! BRB

expensive today :S

Welcome to The Hunter's Reach or well... hai!

Time for a reboot for my blogging..

We'll start out to describe the 3 W's, which is Why, Who and ... couldn't really think of a third one x.x Anyhow I was once blogging and it seemed to be appreciated even thou the real life caught up with me so I had to take a little brake. Domain expired, coding disappeared in reformats and these blogging sites evolved, eureka!

Why am I blogging? I could answer that question with something hip, but no.. I'll just say I enjoy writing about random things whenever I feel the urge to express myself, this thingy comes in handy!

Who am I, really? That's for you to find out, which you will if you stalk me by clicking the RSS icon to the right : )

How am I to be found? easy.