Sunday, August 30, 2009

Trial of the Crusader 10man

Pheew, pugged it this week, it's really a taboo to pug on Azjol-nerub, unless you really know what you are getting in to. But we managed to hold up! Rusty leading from me since I normally don't care about other roles than mine, but we worked it out and managed to get a clear and a few +10's. I'm most surprised over Salt and Pepper, since most of the gang were either undergeared or underperforming. I forgot to screen the recount aswell, but imagine some dps below tanks and the 2nd 2k dps below me... Something like that ;) Planestalker Signet dropped, which is quite an upgrade and I won it by rolling 3.

Afterwards I rolled os10 3d, which I actually haven't killed.. Everything went well and he got two-shotted, a guy said on beforehand he was willing to pay 5000g for the mount, sick.. The leader won the roll and actually DECLINED 8000g that was offered, as far as I know the mount is ugly, no achievement and a terrible e-peen.

I, here, had aswell a few k's more dps than the others, which I'm used to due to being this overgeared.. But wth, I enjoy these +10's and a fancy title aswell!

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